
i could be the treasure you are searching for

So yesterday I went to an asian karaoke place for the first time. I've done karaoke at a couple bars, most notably the Derby in Niles and the King's Inn by the coffee shop - but I've never done it in a private room with couches and a TV. But that's what I did yesterday. It was Adam's birthday and it was a pretty good time, especially considering the company of Honda and Masa, two nice guys straight from Japan, and Chris.

Let it be said that one may question whether or not you've lived until you've watched Japanese guys sing their hearts out to songs like 3 Doors Down's "Kryptonite" or such J-Pop/Rap songs like "Funkastic." (Btw, I order you to listen to that song.) I swear I heard more J-Pop and C-Pop than I've ever heard in my life. I did my best to stick to (english) songs within my range like Dean Martin and Jim Croce and Ronan Keating, which Adam was less than pleased with. So let it also be said that any video he has of me singing a Meredith Brooks song horribly off-key is a forgery.

Hanging out with people from another country is fun too, especially when idioms come into play. I did my best to explain what the whole "six to one, half dozen to the other" means but wasn't entirely successful. Honda and Masa wouldn't have let me know though, because they were polite and said "ooohhh, okay." It's also good to see common human threads that cross all cultural and language boundaries. At dinner Chris asked me about my girl situation - and when I briefly shared the gist of it with him, Masa said - "ah yes, I undahstand. I like him."

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