
Hot Dog Eating Champion Crippled

kobayashi You may have heard of Kobayashi, the inhuman eating machine from Japan.  He's dominated the World Hot Dog Eating Championship for years now but it looks like his reign of terror may be at an end:

Takeru "Tsunami'' Kobayashi said he can only open his mouth to make a gap the size of a fingertip after being diagnosed with jaw arthritis.
In an entry on his blog entitled "Occupational hazard,'' Kobayashi said: "My jaw refused to fight any more.''

It is truly a sad day.  This man's titanic struggle against insolent hot dogs is no more.  It's a lesson to all of us: don't take your talents for granted.  Live it up while you have a chance, because the day may come when your mouth will only open to the size of a fingertip.  Your jaw may refuse to fight.

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